UK Automobile Museums Map
Here's a rather delightful site that illustrates UK motor museums, ideal for when you're out and about Britain and need to inhale the smell of old cars...
Volvo 1800 Pictures
Karl Eric's new P18 site: more than 80 pictures of Volvo P1800 sorted by year of production, model and colour.
Volvo Adventures
Very strong Volvo resource from New Zealand, terrific coverage of all the classic models.
Buying classics: Wild about the mighty Amazon
Superb article on buying the Amazon for the Daily Telegraph by Tony Dron
Historic Rally Car Register
Interested in being involved in motorsport? Check out HRCR's 'site…
The Volvo Owners Club
Volvo Owners Club: top quality website; friendly and informative club members. A very active and relaxed "Volvo Speed Challenge" fraternity also exists.
The Volvo Enthusiasts Club
The Volvo Enthusiasts Club (VEC) is for all enthusiasts of older and classic Volvo cars.
The Club today is still the only club in the UK , which specialises in the older and Classic Volvo models.
The Club is totally independent but enjoys good relations with Volvo and is self financing through membership, sale of advertising space in the magazine, Club Regalia, spares etc.
Laxfield Lodges
Luxury self catering accomodation, 2 miles from Amazon Cars, 1 mile from the world famous pub "The Low House" (aka the "Kings Head" if you believe its sign).